
Hi Iā€™m Martin Riese - water advocate, beverage consultant, author and water sommelier.

Martin Riese stands as a global authority in the realm of water, renowned as the world's foremost water sommelier. With an illustrious career spanning decades, Martin has dedicated himself to elevating water appreciation to an art form, captivating audiences worldwide with his profound knowledge and passion for this essential element.

Beyond his role as a water sommelier, Martin is also a highly esteemed beverage consultant, offering his unparalleled expertise to prestigious establishments around the globe. His innovative approach to beverage curation and pairing has revolutionized the hospitality industry, earning him widespread acclaim and recognition.

In addition to his consultancy work, Martin is a passionate advocate for water conservation and sustainability. He tirelessly promotes the importance of preserving our planet's most precious resource, using his platform to raise awareness and inspire positive change.

Whether guiding clients in crafting unique beverage experiences or championing environmental causes, Martin Riese continues to inspire and lead with his unwavering commitment to excellence and his profound dedication to the world of beverages and water advocacy.